Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Day 26

Holly crap! Legs are getting more and more challenging. I felt super nauseous during and after my session today, to the point I felt like throwing up. Kind of sick, but I love that feeling of complete exhaustion. All the exercises we did today were all compound exercises consisting of heavy weights and 30 reps each set, the only isolation exercise was one for hamstrings super set with the leg press. A total of 390 reps for legs were completed in this leg session today all hit within only four exercises and 1 hours time.

1, Leg press
2, Hacksquat
3, Frontal squat
4, Lying leg curl

Sometimes the set becomes so intense and extreme I have to constantly remind myself that only with hard work and pushing through the uncomfort zone will I produce a champion. This takes so much mental energy, because the mind is what always fails before the body does. Thank God Helvio is there to remind me that I am a champion and that when it gets tough to push harder and beat my set to completion no matter how hard it gets. He also pushes my buttons and asks if I want to just give up; that fuels me with more drive and ambition to fight through each set and achieve victory every time. I hate to fail and I will not fail ever with legs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tonight I am going to take it easy and let my legs recover. I am sure I will be walking like I have a stick up my ASS tomorrow, I could barley walk out of the gym and down the stairs to my car this evening.

I look forward to getting up early tomorrow doing my cardio training clients and then heading for my massage with Stacy. I am sure my body will thank me for some relaxation time and flushing out some lactic acid. It will be a real treat!

Goodnight to all of you! Sleep well and remember each day is a gift given to us to enjoy, so make the best out of it! :)

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