Thursday, May 14, 2009

Day 27

I finally received notice that I am officially one out of 300 competitors from all over the country competing in this prestigious IFBB Pro qualifying contest in Vegas in July how exciting! I think the biggest show I ever competed in was the Orange County Classic in 2007, what a difference 300 plus competitors will make.

We also received an email stating that the top 6 height class winners for figure, bikini and overall winners for men and women bodybuilding are required to participate in the NPC NEWS Photo Shoot with J.M. Manion on Sunday, July 26 at the Embassy Suites Hotel Swimming Pool from 9 a.m. to 12 noon. Travel plans should be set according, which will affect me since I am supposed to fly out 9am on Sunday morning. I am just going to plan on missing that flight and taking the afternoon flight out. Thinking of July brings butterflies to my stomach and an excitement beyond belief.

As for my legs, wow they are feeling pretty destroyed. I am glad I got a relaxing massage today to flush out some of that lactic acid, but am certain that tomorrow I will feel as if I was hit by a truck. It always takes me two days to get really sore. Every time I get up from sitting down I am in such agony, however it seems to put a smile on my face, due to the fact I know my muscles are growing and my goal of having nice developed legs for USA's is on its way of happening.

Other than doing cardio this morning, I took off the day completely to allow my body to rest. I was feeling a little tired this whole week and want to play smart not to experience any setbacks. Tomorrow back and biceps and no cardio yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!

I am so looking forward to next weekend my baby is taking me to Mexico to get away relax and spend some quality time together for Memorial Day weekend. I am still sticking to training and dieting so I am relieved to hear that we have a kitchen with full amenities. I am greatful to have such an amazing man in my life and to be in love:) it is the best feeling in the world.

Okay enough of that, lets end this week strong and enjoy our well deserved weekend.

Pictures Saturday!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Lambchop! Chickenlegs says well done and keep up the good work! Enjoy your weekend in Mexico with Peter and come back refreshed. Don't forget to eat one slice of Chocolate Tower Cake! Love Chickenlegs and Mum xxx
